Issues for a subscription

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Subscription information for Revue historique

The current subscription began on 01/01/2013 and is issued every 2 quarters for 12 issues

The first subscription was started on 18/01/2009

The subscription expired on 01/01/2016

Rue de la Sorbonne

Etat de collection : 1(1876)-

Tables 1(1876)-204(1950)

Available issues

,Vol 311, N° 1,Vol 311, N° 649; Vol 311, N° 650; Vol 311, N° 651; Vol 311, N° 652; Vol 312, N° 653; Vol 312, N° 654; Vol 312, N° 655; Vol 312, N° 656; Vol 313, N° 658; Vol 313, N° 659; Vol 313, N° 657; Vol 313, N° 660; Vol 314, N° 661; Vol 314, N° 662; Vol 314, N° 663; Vol 314, N° 664; Vol 315, N° 665; Vol 315, N° 666; Vol 315, N° 667; Vol 315, N° 668

Issues summary

Etat de collection